Love Poem: Empirical


Filled us with your miracles
My Father permits to see
Depth of the sea kept within me
Looked far ahead
Carefully wiped each tear that was shed
Resumed by peace
Kept far beneath
World you closely inspect
Your tears we respect
Your eagle did soar
Your lion has roared
Our King is eternal
Conquored the infernal
Seeing where your beauty does lie
Blessed the color of our sky
Hearts found
God blessings all around
Your hands do lift
Far beyond the cliff
Give them a nudge
Do not allow them to judge
Through understanding
God spirits do feel
Our Lord love is real
Beyond the world rage
We are brave
Calmed our storms
Before they were formed
Sensitive to the touch
Our hearts care that much
Immense love was felt
We must be kind even to ourself