Love Poem: Each Day Brought a New Smile

Each Day Brought a New Smile

Each Day Brought a New Smile

So long ago when my children were growing,
Silver-haired, alone, watching from a chair
She smiled; lovely laughter came sweetly flowing.

Playing, they bounced balloons into the air.
She, sitting there, chuckled softly with each play.
At ninety-nine, her face sparkled a happy stare.

My lively children came brightening her stay.
Her quiet chuckle preceded; bright-eyes gleamed.
As three youngsters giggled, laughter came her way.

She remembered only moments, so it seemed.
But her response, like the very first, was thrilled.
By chance a balloon passed her way; her face beamed.

It was magical, the young and old so skilled.
Gently tapping the balloon again, again.
Descending above her head, she aimed and squealed.

Wide-eyed everyone watched, even the old men.
Childlike smacks, quivering arms, thin bent fingers. 
Coordinated taps made hopes transcend.

Her delight ascending, in my heart lingers.
A burst of energy as her hands made contact.
The balloon rose up!  Up!  And success was hers.

We returned even though her memory lacked.
So many times, the children came back to play.
Each new day brought forgotten smiles with love packed.

She remembered nothing, but her life was gay.
When within her heart lost memories was sung.
She cherished times when love brought new smiles her way.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen 11-20-09