Love Poem: Dysfuntional
Shahana Jackson Avatar
Written by: Shahana Jackson


You sipped away
while my nephew 
was growing in your belly
Bacardi bottles emptying
and he's not even a month
I shutter to think 
how this innocent
face will turn out
Born a premature baby
into a weed house

I don't know whether
to keep my mouth shut
or if I should call child services 
If they took him away would 
you finally become sober
and be a real mother? 

A baby born so small
a few breaths shy of normal
I pray everyday that, that liquor
you drunk wasn't harmful

Fresh from the incubator
you went out to a club
asking random men for dubs
and all I can do is shake my head
and pray that some how 
some way 
my nephew 
escapes this insanity