Love Poem: Dreams For a Moment
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Written by: Lyric Man

Dreams For a Moment

Tonight I closed my eyes to pray
God.. let me feel, hear, and touch
Remove earth's blinders from me 
Oh vulnerability... almost too much

Your dreams for a moment.. felt
Such beauty I can't describe
Love's song unleashed in me
Lyrics danced and wouldn't hide

Star's wonder, I now could touch
Each of them knew your name 
We embraced, I saw you there
Felt things that can't be tamed

Heaven's breeze began to speak
Your sacred secrets into my ear
Caressing my heart into belief
She's yours, if only.. stay near

Your dreams for a moment.. felt
Sweet dreams carried on the wind 
Such a fierce and breathless love
Two hearts, now one...
... we'll never end!

~Lyric Man

Note: This write is an echo lyric to Maia Lewis' "If For A Moment" (you must go and read it!). My song is about a guy who answers that "if" question, by asking God to allow him to feel, hear, and touch what's going on inside the heart of a particular girl.