Love Poem: Dreams
David Moore Avatar
Written by: David Moore



My vow to you Beverly is to give you my life
No matter the struggle no matter the strife
I give you my love and my life to the end
I got to say “I do” to my childhood friend

Our lives took a path that seemed never would touch
But God had a plan because he loved us so much
The paths ran parallel and at times far apart
But I never lost sight of the love in my heart

Not many people get to live out their dream
Most would have given up or at least it would seem
When we were little I wished you had given me a glance
Now thirty-two years later you finally gave me a chance

Now that we’re older and I look back over the years
At all of the troubles, the pain, and the tears
I’d do it all again if the end still turned out the same
As I see that big smile as you wear my last name

Being in your arms as we lie there in bed
So many thoughts seem to race through my head
As I drift off to sleep all my thoughts are of you
Now I’m a believer that your dreams will  come true