Love Poem: Dream
Angelina Calamare Avatar
Written by: Angelina Calamare


I use to dream
Dream about this perfect image
 image the perfect life,with the perfect guy
The perfect guy,would make me feel something i've never felt before.

I use to dream about ¨him¨
Dream about how He would make me fall in love with just one little glance 
I use to dream about how funny and nice he would be 
And how he would never stop caring about me
now and forever.

I use to dream on how his bright blue eyes would sweep me off my feet
Use to dream how tall he would be 
How charming he´d be one day.

Years and years of only dreaming 
Years of wishing.
But one day my dream became a reality!

I thought most dreams were supposed to stay up in the clouds
Years of dreaming,years of reaching and wishing.
It all became a reality!

Dreams aren't always supposed to stay in your mind
Dreams aren't always meant to stay high up in the clouds now are they?