Love Poem: Dragonfly
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Written by: Heather Lynn


Flitting along in the midst of rough winds

Not knowing at all what another day brings.

Must keep moving, forwards not back.

Having to keep his mind right on track.


But he has a heart, this dear Dragonfly.

He's not simple or mindless as he is forced to fly by.

Not one of the many. Not a face in a crowd.

He's got a name, that she whispers aloud.


The heat and the chill of this wind brings pain.

Enduring the sun, the snow and the rain.

These things make him numb, but not as lost as he fears.

For there is love hidden inside of her tears.


She stays behind, in a warm sunny place.

Tears from a memory lining her face.

As sunflowers go, she has seen better days.

Seen them with him, but they had to part ways...


Now he is tossed by the wind, and losing his will.

And she is rooted to the earth, forced to stand still.

Filled with grief at the thought of losing her friend.

She'll wait forever, until the separation can end.


Filled with longing he sighs, and flaps his beautiful wings.

Not knowing inside what the future soon brings.

Someday it will happen, the time can't be sure..

But the dragonfly will visit the Sunflower once more.


He will bask in her glow, and feel most assured.

And she will feel calm and at peace with the world.

And be it their choice, and no one's but theirs..

They'll decide what to do for the rest of their years..