Love Poem: Dove Eyes

Dove Eyes

Her soft words
Fluttered around me
Like a dove
Her eyes wooed my heart
My mind as she took me
Into the moonlight
Where a thousand harps
Synchronized on the breeze
Over my mind
My longings
Stringing me into her dreams
A place where my feet
Could never touch the ground

I danced on mars
And Saturn’s rings
Spinning out of control
Till I realized
It was but a dream
Her lips were never mine
But an elusive promise
Born of the wind
The wind will take her
Where it will

I have to let her go
My sweet pain
Lest there is nothing
Left of me
In this vast desert plain
Where stars pierce the night
And day brings only sorrow
Where rivers rarely flow
Where jackals call
To the moon
For their mate
And I am left alone
On the dark side
Of the moon

© Brenda V Northeast  2011