Love Poem: Don'T You Remember

Don'T You Remember


Just one terrible event
So terrible an event; it affected everything
It changed everything; it changed us
We turned against each other; bitter enemies
We walked, passing each other on the roadside uttering no words
It’s that bad; we can’t even look at each other.

Just look at us now
We have taken sides with our enemies
We fell in hate; we so much hate ourselves right now
We think nothing else except what will bring harm to each other
This has been going on for quite some time now
The birth of each day refreshes the enmity.

Staring at the mirror; staring at my heart
What an ugly sight it is; staring at the broken pieces of what remains of my heart
Just thinking of nothing; there is nothing to think about
I know that I messed up; now, I miss the love I lost with unquantifiable regrets
Do you know that you also messed up?
We had it all; love, trust, understanding and compatibility
We were so good together; what happened to us?
We loved each other more than Romeo and Juliet could ever have done
Don’t you remember?