Love Poem: Don'T Tell Me Not To Cry
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Written by: Gretchen Cruz

Don'T Tell Me Not To Cry


Please don’t tell me not to cry
Don’t tell me there is no reason why
You do not know what I am feeling
How my mind is constantly reeling

You don’t understand the way that I hurt
How I feel worthless, like a pile of dirt
I know I should get on with my life
Let it go, forget about it, end my strife

Well you see, there lays the catch
My mind ignores all common sense
My head won’t let me listen and pay heed
It just plays tricks on my heart that hurts and deceives

This blackness that seeps across my heart and mind
Make it impossible to shelter my weary mind
I am lost, scared and I feel alone
There is no one to turn to, the seeds have been sown

All I ever do is make mess after mess
And I have to tell you, I must confess
I am not smart enough to deal with this
But I am not brave enough to slit my wrists

I am not clever enough to understand
I am sure not worth enough to hold my hand
I am not rich enough to run away and hide
Not strong enough to turn this tide

Trapped within this living nightmare in my head
I truly wonder if I would be better off dead   GDC2014