Love Poem: Does Jesus Embarrass You
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Does Jesus Embarrass You

Does Jesus Embarrass You?

I’ve a "brother."  I won't 
mention his name.
A follower of Jesus is 
what he proclaims.

When you come  
and knock on his door.
You can hear footsteps 
across the floor.

Rather than answering
 and inviting you in.
He won't answer the door, 
if you're not his friend.

He's quick to judge you. 
 And don't call him at home.
If he knows it's you.  
He hangs up the phone.

There's many "Christians" like him, 
who are "immature."
Living an empty life that's 
shallow and insecure.

Has he thought oft
 the meaning of the cross?
Aren't we to love one another. 
 No matter the cost? 

Perhaps people like him serve
 a "different" Jesus than I do.
They can't seem to say
 the words; "I LOVE YOU!"

By Jim Pemberton  11/11/17