Love Poem: Do You Remember the Song?
Laura Hew Avatar
Written by: Laura Hew

Do You Remember the Song?

Do you remember the song
The one
From the time 
When we were young,
and so was the night
That echoed from our stereos, 
We used to lay in a bed of sand
Under a chandelier of stars
hand in hand
Your face
Under the beautiful pale glow
You know you were the
the lighthouse to MY heart
During a time
in my developing years, when things seemed dark

Do you remember that the long strands of grass
That seemed to stretch and sway
How your love seemed to take me away,
Ocean birds scuttled across the shore, and the seagulls soared

Whispering secrets, giggling and Hiccups 
Lost into the mist
First love,
Is the essence of Innocence.

Do you remember the song?
The one we would  play when we were young
When we believed we were untouchable, jesus we were so strong.
When Faith in love, brought forth the courage
To make believe we were gods
No matter, together we would face the odds.

I remember the song,
But sometimes, you gotta face the dawn.
And the tumultuous
Ocean can have an agenda of its own

Sometimes, You have to change the radio station

and find another song.