Love Poem: Do You Love Me?
Juvie Always Avatar
Written by: Juvie Always

Do You Love Me?


Do you love me?

Tell me you do
Write it in the sands of time
With ancient letters
Carve it into constellations
And fix it to eternity

Make love to me
In Poseidon's berth
Binding your soul to mine
In the presence
Of kings and priests and gods

In the box that was Pandora's
Lay your heart
Enchant my feet with Hyssop
Garland my ankles with kisses
Anoint my lips with oaths
Your whispers of Fidelity's vow

Pine for me as the Hind thirsts
In the dry valley for the mount
To cast away the earth
And sail the sky

Take me to your breast with desire
Which mere mortals cannot prey
Lay me in fields of splendor
Thick with the scent of lust

With your heartbeat cast your spell
Making me eternally yours


September 6, 2006
5:47 a.m. cst