Love Poem: Do Not Knock
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Written by: Mohammad Yamin

Do Not Knock

At the door of my heart I hear a knock 
It is late and all are in slumber deep
And the door jammed like a rock
Fruitless to wake up emotions asleep

Once a jasmine faced entered this door
For decades knocking sound’s unheard
Why to entreat, why to conjure
With wings clipped, I’m a caged bird

She has left behind love’s fragrance 
Her images are flowering in my eyes 
Every recess reflecting her radiance
My life her vivid memories glamorize

She left and yet occupies her dwelling
In a sunny day and in moonlit night
Her memories come and go without telling
Brilliant like vision, sparkling like light.

My deserted heart needs no recompense
To revive its liveliness and effervescence
This door can never ever be ajar
Do not knock whoever you are!