Love Poem: Divine Parents

Divine Parents

Who is like the Sun
who comes riding his white steed
the leader of the holy ones
and of his people Abram's seed
I will hold you because it is what you need
I will listen above all others I exceed
when I arrive it will      be to take you home
a place of Love          where you will never be alone
I'll give you children who            are needing your affection
with the ability       to give them all protection
this is the home                           that contains abundant joy
where happiness                     reaches every girl and boy
In this home           no child will ever hunger
suffer any pain                          or any kind of danger
they will be able     to run the fields wild
play with the animals                  like every dreaming child
Every day                                   will be a new adventure
not dependant                           on some monetary venture
every family          of the nations       has this task
to learn of Loves                      requirements at last
Earth was meant                  to be a place of beauty
not a hard line of unconsidered duty
where people hate            learning how to give
but free to Love            and reaching out to live
We have painted the pictures          over many century
for your consideration                 of what will come to be
you have the choice      of what you listen to
and of your actions                     in everything you do
For all existing                  must learn a single Law
that Love must cover        everyone to exist at all
every example that to you                    which has been given
demonstrates the cause effect          that you have been livin'
Over and over             the truth these examples set
in daily life         the things you must not forget
when you understand                   that every I must become We
for without Love           you cannot reside eternity
These are the things             promised to Loves Bride
the joys of Life         and working side by side
a perfect Union              of those joined heart to heart
to bring forth Life          and in its sharing have a part
COPYRIGHT © 2012 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC