Love Poem: Dignity Of An Elder Dog
Regina Elliott Avatar
Written by: Regina Elliott

Dignity Of An Elder Dog

Master, my eyes now have cataracts,
my bones ache and stiffen when I rise,
I cannot chase squirrels like I used to,
nor fetch a tennis ball the way I did
as a pup,
but I love living with my family,
and the gentle pats on my head.

Though the long walks have shortened,
and there's gray fur on my muzzle,
I enjoy napping more during the day.
Master, thank you for taking me to 
the vet,
for my health and comfort.

The sun filters through the window warmly,
as I recall seeing the children grow up,
I have the dignity of an elder dog,
blessed by God to be with my kind 
human companions,
who adopted me from an animal shelter. ~