Love Poem: Digging Into the Beatles' Mind
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

Digging Into the Beatles' Mind

How much sorrow can you take,
when all you think of is true joy?
Very lonely but not hopeless
until another sunrise comes...
you will be wishing, wide-awake,
for the sweet lips of that young boy!

O lonely girl listening to music and imagining love,
you shouldn't get wings and turn into a dove,
because boys don't believe in keeping promises...
they find another foolish girl somewhere else!
O lonely girl barely fourteen refrain from desire,
that desire that can only end up in dire!

It's okay to dream as teens do to vent their rage,  
it's fine to have a fantasy and wait for the phone to ring;  
and it's quite normal to think of boys at this age,
but be warned of the first heartbreak from a tender wink,
it may lead to something you are not ready for,
so keep on dreaming and shut that darn door!

Towards midnight you hear his voice again and feel fine,
it must be one of those dreams when he says, " Little doll,
you are the prettiest one among others so slim and tall!"
And he goes on, " I made you a promise you'll be all mine!"
Oh, dreamer so innocent: a pillow case is all you hold,
he's not yours by any means...he's a teaser and way too old!  

Your silly head is listening to the song he wrote,
a lovely love song he sent to your cellphone,
falling in love is not learned from a romance book:
words mislead and confuse the ones who are alone;
you may love him dearly, but all he does is using you for his own delight... 
he may love you, but he'll sing his song to someone who's not too bright.       

Inspired by the following songs:

Across The Universe
Lady Madonna
Lonely Rita
Northern Song