Love Poem: Differences
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Written by: Tamisha Dotson


Most people in the world date eachother because of their zodiac sign or their zodiac element even though we 
are two completely different signs I think we're compatible for eachother. You are water but I am fire we can 
either work as friends or enemies. When I'm mad I could turn into a huge forest fire. When your mad u could 
turn into a huge hurricane and drown me out till I'm nothing but smoke, but we settled our differences an 
decided to work together. If my temper is up to the roof you find a way to cool me down with just a sprinkle 
of water. When your fed up and cause a flood I find a way to calm you down until your calm as the river. This 
maybe weird on how I show how different we are but at least we can still get along. I love you sweety and no 
matter how hot the fire gets or how rough the currents are I know that we can mellow eachother down to 
were we are at peace.