Love Poem: Devotion
Marqese Dabbs Avatar
Written by: Marqese Dabbs


I will never feel vacant, never self-loathing
As long as you awake me
Holding a lantern that beacons aspirations
For feelings of doubts must be combusted by flames of passion
The world’s miscreants spread their disease, influencing their intent of infidelity
Leading us into heart-rending ailment
Hiding their assurance rings, acting on treachery ardor, Judas kiss
In inamoratas arms we turn away always remaining devoted
Warming the essence, shaking all conceded pain, faltering and stiffened
As we lie in our own visibility meadow of heaven
The scent of allure wonder makes me speechless
All I can say is your love has always been as true as can be
Treasuring all intendment significance
Every trial, spike in are anatomies was treaded in the floods of unconditional
We will never go cold are heart beat will never blacken below
We will always live for today without being faded or torn
No matter how old we will never depress because we having hoping hearts