Love Poem: Desirable Desire

Desirable Desire

To live, without fearing...
Is to breath peace- a thing 
Without gasping to make
Only gasp, for love’s sake

Oh, who does not know that
Fear makes one fatty butt
To count the toll of wars
Instead of the warm stars
Only gasp, for love’s sake
Without gasping to make
Is to breath peace- a thing  
To live, without fearing...

Is the sole desire of this hearty piece of write


Rhymethor is a poetic form with a title of 6 syllables, 
3 rhyming stanzas of 6 syllables, (rhyme scheme: 
aabb, ccdd, bbaa) and an inverted 3rd stanza of the 
1st stanza, with a concluding line of 12 syllables, 
representing the total number of lines.