Love Poem: Democratic Poverty
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Democratic Poverty

I was listening to NPR yesterday
on my way to small green group ministries,
when I heard post-millennial Republicans
favor apartheid
while the contemporary urban-green Democrat
favors laziness.

I don't know if this includes intellectual laziness,
lack of rigor,
and laziness about ecotherapeutic health,
but in either case,
this conflicts with my own experience
regarding Democrats and lack of healthy motivation
but also of Republicans I actually know,
except perhaps my brother
and a Trump worshiping neighbor,
regarding apartheid as a fundamental religious constitutional right
to Christian evangelical colonizing supremacy
over all 3/5th human natured former slaves
and other less fortunate dispirited criminals
and unnatural cravings.

If Democrats are guilty of lazy love for restoring Earth's
healthy nature/spirit subclimates,
both yin-side
and yang-outdoor voiced,
then what do we call Republican guilt
lack of moral authority
to stop blowing each other
and trees
and Earth-habitat up
and out of nature/spirit double-bounds,
both secular non-elitist systems
and sacred ZeroZone souls 
of divine Matriarchal Grace.

When I arrived
to listen
and share non-violent peaceful space
with my small green group alliance,
we sang and danced and spoke of connections
through active listening
rather than lazy lack of sufficient compassion
with suffering
and wealth of correlational enchantment,
courageous coherence,
curious intuited collusions,
collateral thinking/feeling for healthy future prospects.

Then we each went home
in our own four directions
until we close our loops together
again next New Moon morning.