Love Poem: Dejavu
Felicia Thomas Avatar
Written by: Felicia Thomas


Yesterday was DejaVu.
You called and said, do you know a girl named……
Asking me indirectly if I
Spoke of our secret love to anyone
My heart beating, because I know was wrong
I did speak of you
Your heart beating because you’re happy home
Might crumble if she finds out about me & you
Your voice heavy with disillusion
Confusion and strain
 For the first time I realized where I stand with you
I’m in love 
With someone who will never love me
I have to let you go
For this can’t go on
For round two
This happened eight years ago
It can’t happen again to
No victory for me
I’ll be losing a
Lover and a friend 
So I’ll quit you
With not even a good-bye
I’ll walk away knowing 
I’m worth
So much more than someone on the side
If this was meant to be
You will fill my arms again
And if not, it was never meant to be
I will hold our memories dear to my heart
You are 
The love 
Of my life
I will 
 Always love you………..