Love Poem: Deep Pain In Love
Clare Gott Avatar
Written by: Clare Gott

Deep Pain In Love

As I stare into space I find my hand clasping over my face,
Catching the words from my mouth, its clear I am in shock my screams cry out.
The physical pain in my chest, the anxiety in my stomach,  
The sickness, my shallow breath.	
I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind, I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind.  
I can’t carry on- sitting and being strong, 
Holding this together and hoping that you come back and we will be forever.  
How can something so pure and true, go wrong within what seems a day or two. 
I stare at my phone, check my e-mails, someone help me?  I feel so alone.	
I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind, I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind
A deep feeling of dread and panic, 
That I will never be able to get through another minute.
I acknowledge that I pushed and pushed, 
I recognise that I should have and could.	
I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind.  I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more kind.

At last calmness washes over me, 
Thank you- I feel I am free.  
In deep anguish comes light and clarity, 
The only person I was punishing....... was me.
Thank you for being so kind, thank you for being so kind.