Love Poem: Dedication To My Sister
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Written by: Juanita Thorn

Dedication To My Sister

My confidante, best friend…my Sister
You’ll never guess how much I’ve missed you
All throughout this past year
Many a time I’ve a shed a tear

Days when I just want you nearby
So upon your shoulder I can cry
Now once again we are together
I wish this week would go on forever

I love your smile and twinkling eyes
You brighten even the darkest skies
When you are here the puzzles complete
These are moments my memory will never delete

Memories of fun, family and sisterly love
Along with all the minor conflicts we rise above
A death stare…a cross word
Nothing will stop us from moving forward

Our love for each other is unconditional
Even though we butt heads and get a tad emotional
I could never contemplate holding a grudge against you
And I believe you feel the exact same way too

Staying mad at you is really quite hard
Cos your spontaneity catches me off guard
Your wonderful weirdness and crazy ways
Working you out is like conquering a maze

An abundance of talent and personality to boot
There are many reasons why, to you, I salute!
I look up to you for your strength inside
You shook off bad history, re-opening your arms again wide

Ready to embrace what life had planned
With your focus and drive, on your feet you did land
But it’s not all seriousness and work
Beyond this façade, your quirky side does lurk

This is the true you, who has us in hysterics
You’re funny and brilliant, there’s not a thing about you I’d fix
Your generosity towards your family is indescribable
A simple ‘Thank-you’ will never be suitable

You’ve given my daughter things I never could
You’ve done above and beyond what most Aunts’ would
I’ve been blessed to have a Sister like you
Not only a Sister…but a best friend too

There’s one part I hate about you arriving
Because no matter what…it leads to you leaving
So please promise me you’ll keep yourself safe and sound
Until this time next year comes back around.
©copyright Juanita Torr