Love Poem: Death Where Are You
Mick Talbot Avatar
Written by: Mick Talbot

Death Where Are You

Fraught, distressed, my love forlorn!
Ripped to shreds, my emotions torn!
Without you, I rue the day I was born!
                    Death where are you?

I seek solitude, make the wilderness mine.
My love lost to one so out of line.
Breathless, love can be so unkind!
                    Death where are you?

I wander into unknown places forsaken
Will my heart heal, once unkindly taken?
Misused, abused, I am totally shaken!
                    Death where are you?

My destiny now to wander this wilderness.
Do I still love that faithless lass? Oh yes!
My brain is mushed, my life a cruel mess!
                    Death where are you?

Rhyme and Refrain - Poetry Contest sponsored by Broken Wings