Love Poem: Death
Tahera Mannan Avatar
Written by: Tahera Mannan


On that fateful night at ten
I saw you walking down the lane
Your hand was on her shoulder
And there was spring in your step
                    I stood on the terrace watching you go
                    Fear clutching at my heart
                    The reality of it all came on me
                     The hope within died a sudden death
I waited for the tears to come
I waited for the pain to begin
But the tears had frozen to ice
And the heart had turned to stone
                    Time went by
                    And life regained its normal course
                    Hard and cruel they called me
                    And a statue I became
Then on a cold winter morn
Came a gust of warm wind
The dark, kind and lively eyes
And the circle of soothing arms
                     My cheeks became wet
                     My heart went a pit-pat
                     I could smell the earth again
                     And hear the birds sing
But the harsh winter froze the warm wind
And the frost began to settle
Passerby looking at me would say
She is not dying…….. she is dead.