Love Poem: Dearest Mama
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Written by: Emmalee Godwin

Dearest Mama

Words like vomit
Disgusting horrible things spewing from your mouth
The mouth that used to form the words
“I love you”
Oh how the times have changed..
As children I’m sure we were just so easy
To persuade..
To decieve…..
To control…….
See, little ones don’t ask the hard questions
The ones that have difficult answers…
They don’t realize what’s going on
They can’t see the whole picture..
Comprehend it.
They don’t understand
That one day..
Their vision will clear
Ignorance is bliss but now it’s gone
Now mommy and daddy are Always fighting
Violence that only happens on the inside of these shaking walls
Things that would normally would be kept inside
brushed away to the back of your mind…Shoved Away..
Come spilling out all at once.
Apalling..cruel….heinous indications…assumptions..
Thoughts that should’ve been banished from your mind to begin with
Are flowing from your angry tongue
The lips that used to whisper “I love you”
Ruining any chance of redemption
Any possibility that we could fix this…
There are so many names for what just happened
So many labels that you can apply to this mess
these last few pages of the chapter..
I starting a new one tomorrow..
Breaking off. Severing myself from this shit
I can see clearly now
and I’m not liking what I see
My childhood was a lie
Every word was a lie
You were a lie