Love Poem: Dear Santa
Kim Rodrigues Avatar
Written by: Kim Rodrigues

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, can you please, bring a sleighful of love. Don’t smile so, not that kind of thing. Why, Santa, your blushing. Can you put a rush on that? America has grown so cold. We need you to lift your sleigh and visit today. Can you freeze the icicles out there. At least for the season bring peace. Let those devils be our snowpeople so we can go on with merry and nice. 

Of course, Santa, come back on Christmas Eve - don’t dash the hopes of all the good girls and boys. No need to carry coal this year as the freeze has been cheered as we pass those in need…of some love, those that watch through shivering eyes to see what true love looks like, no ugly talk. 

Dear Santa can I climb on your sleigh for a ride? Why Santa there goes that blush again and that ho ho ho. How can you be so bad while being so good? 

I want to see smiles on dreaming kids’ faces, all tucked in safe and warm. I want to see you eat all the cookies and drink all the milk and get snockered after all of your hard work.

Most of all Santa, warm my family’s souls. Pray a blessing over each one that the Christ child be close in their hearts.

What You Want For Christmas Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Gregory Paul