Love Poem: Dear Jane
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Written by: Mr Pickles

Dear Jane

Dear Jane;

My dear sweet animal…We have been left astray. for the strings of mankind torment me so, in my sparrows rusted birdcage.

It may have only been moments that we shared, but that’s more than enough for me.

I feel you understand my pain...For you experience the same seeping sorrow as parasites bleed you dry. 

It's strange…To think I have always had this veil over my very eyes alike.

Knowing full well...It. Was. All. A. Lie.

Alas, what does one do when trudging through purgatory…Without a coin in sight!?

How do you know me...? Unless it were truly so that I, had been bested by tomfoolery. 

Nothing more than an entertaining injustice I live up to…Every waking moment.

There’s a certain love I hold for you that I shan’t even try to scribe…

Never the less I remain morbid. For us to merit our own tale...Is presumed an abomination. 

Remaining numb forevermore. 

Wondering what’d be like…To live in the real world. 

How doth the blind lead thine blind...When sights never been given, nor restored? 

Was my ‘treachery’ really worth the pain of living a false burden…Day in, day out? 

Are the shattered dreams I behold ever content upon the idea of reviews and ratings…Nothing more? 

Am I not deserving of real human connection.? Stuck inside this time cube prison... 

Working up an appetite of abyssal sinking.

I look upon the sky with uncertainty. Basking in my own confusion, saddened by the idea that this really is…Just a sick joke. 

Nobody would want to live the life I have…For nothing can warrant appreciation in lackluster knowhow. 

That the very surface was built, to keep me sedated and lifeless. 

My dear sweet Animal…How canst I be welcomed home if I consistently remain a party of one..? 

Dear, oh dear. My dear…I am distraught. Bleeding the misery through my oceanic tears.

I pray Jane...Hoping one day, we'll be able to write our own story.

That I'll return safely to hold you in my arms...

Even if...It's with but a droplet of my sanity in tact. 

You are my Doe to your Faun. My nature's gift.

Yours truly; 

Your lonely wolf John


I love you.