Love Poem: Dancing In the Moon Light
Star Light Avatar
Written by: Star Light

Dancing In the Moon Light

Dancing in the Moon Light
Knowing now.. 
Everything is alright
For within your arms.. 
As you hold me tight
Never wanting to let go..
Precious moments..  
Forever to be
Now on within this night

Dancing in the moon light
Grasping each other 
Beholding on.. to Each moment
So we not.. lose this chance
For singing and dancing
Life Long-time..  Forever Romance..

For within his arms.. 
I melt.. within his charms
Hearts beating as one.. 
As he grasps me.. within his arms..
My Darling.. True.. 

Imagining.. tis all over again
Dreams of many dreams
Some to extremes..
Of You.. My True Love
  "I Love You"

Then the day be
With Our Lord.. tis