Love Poem: Dance With Me
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Written by: Shaz Cheesman

Dance With Me

I never thought my soul could feel so much
Until I felt the warmth of your smile
I heard the music in your voice 
Such meaning in your eyes
How you look at me
All that you give
Tears of joy

Is it wrong of me to dream such a life I ask
To think your presence in my life endless
I feel so connected friendship first
You light a fire deep within me
Awakening me from a sleep
I can finally feel again
Divine Intervention
Brought me to you
You to me

All the happiness and light that fills me within
If only you could feel all that I feel inside
Sunshine that inspires buds to bloom
Light from only the brightest stars
A candle burning just for you
Flame and wax dancing
Romantic and Latin

Intimate conversations that require no words
Invoke so much warmth heart to heart
Content and so happy as could be
To be in each other’s company 
Never wanting you to leave
Love wearing you on me
Your aura so unique
You complete me

When one such time comes and my life ends
Dance a slow dance with my dust - ashes
Think of our many moments together
Raising me to my next life plane
I will await to meet you next
Hope you remember me
I will remember you
Through time