Love Poem: Damaged Goods
Roof Missing Avatar
Written by: Roof Missing

Damaged Goods

It's clear to me I'm damaged goods,
The world's not always kind,
This fact, (for you are wounded too),
Weighs heavy on my mind.
I know I disappoint myself,
What chance that I won't you.
The truth is most feel lost in woods,
Fear others might be WOLF!

World's full of those who choose to harm,
Please understand, but hate their choice,
A sin like this is stone
That they must wear around their neck,
A karmic warning voice,
That sends to others strong alarm,
That evil stay in check!

Though you SHOULD HATE the weakness shown,
FORGIVE the one who's weak,
To guard against it in ourselves,
Err on the side of meek,
With conscious choice first not to harm,
Don't look for lucky elves
Or friend (that you call on the phone).
React! Don't trust in charm!

Extend your hand to one who's down,
Trust God will aid your cause.
No tit for tat (deserved reward)
Find favor in His Laws,
His gift to those who know His Grace:
His servants! So adored,
They never fear their Father's frown
(Though no one sees his face). 

Long Tooth
April 24,  2018