Love Poem: Crystal


I met her when I was twelve.
And I've known her ever since.

She stood there  looking out at the endlessness
Her summer dress fluttering in the wind
Her red curls sweeping across her pale face
And her eyes didn't blink.
She stood alone on the rock
High up, over the blue seas
Watching the fiery waves crash beneath.

She looked unperturbed 
And at peace
Her heart was frozen
So it could hold on dearly
What all that mattered 
And let not anything else 
Touch that wounded self
That survived the scars of three decades.

Her name was Crystal. 
She was only thirty.

As I walked through my life
I wondered about her
We met sometimes at the strangest roads
Sometimes, as if she was but a reflection
Of myself, of everything to follow.
And at times,  I ran away, 
Hoping she was just a figment of my imagination.

I met her when I was twelve
And I saw her standing on that rock.
That now stands alone.
And I am thirty.