Love Poem: Coming Back Home
Line Gauthier Avatar
Written by: Line Gauthier

Coming Back Home

C ountry roots beckon regrets of past transgression
O ne-way ticket meant to soothe my innermost obsession
M emories of you not fading with passing of the years 
I  mmortal flame has kept alive cherished souvenirs
N aively thinking I’d drift and just avoid the truth
G ames were played in the foolish gardens of my youth

B almy nights not forgotten in the heat of summertide
A ugust breezes summon me to return home by your side 
C innabar and cinnamon reverie of your perfume in moonlight
K aleidoscopic magic remembered in your eyes at midnight

H eartstrings of surrender repentant to bygone wanderlust
O pen your heart and grant me a chance to earn again your trust
M oonstruck and lovesick ready to prove myself and pay my due
E nchanted under your spell I’ve come back home to you

AP: Honorable Mention 2021

Submitted on February 14, 2021 for contest COMING BACK HOME sponsored by JOHN HAMILTON  -  RANKED 2ND