Love Poem: Colours of Love

Colours of Love

I'd wear pink,
To meet him for the first time
So that he'd know that I am soft
Even if I hold a steady pout on my face
Just so as to appear like
A Viking Queen!

I'd wear white
To meet him for a night date
So that he'd just look at me
And see, reflected from my shine,
The meaning of innocence and purity
And would therefore make it a must
To treat me as he would himself
Be deemed to be treated like!

I'd wear red
For both our wedding ceremony and
Our wedding night
So that he'd tremble and shake
With insurmountable passion
Creating jolts of tsunami waves in him,
Bidding him to want to hold my heart in his
And to never want to let go!

But my love be my muse
And even if my life remains dedicated towards
Meeting him somewhere where the horizon
Merges with the skyline,
Somewhere where I shall relish the feel of the wind
On my face as well as its caress upon my hair,
My love writes of its story solely for him
And while I shall be treading upon the marshy lands
Of this uncertain world,

I shall wear all the colours that are known
Merely because my time spent here
Is a celebration of my muse-ful love