Love Poem: Closer


As I stare into your eyes, I love you
Face to face we glare eyes do stare
Hands folded under chin
Eye balling each other darling


Four inches apart
You are my heart
Did I say that I love you
What are you going to do


I love you closer you stare
Closer, I love you so
Closer, I love the view
Four inches apart
You are my heart
Did I say that I love you
What are you going to do

Darling don't blink
Let's think about those days
I held you in my arm closer
And I love you look into my eyes
Deep, deep inside closer
I love you
Eye to eye
folded hands 
Still will we stare
I eye you to your soul
I see as God made you
I care, I stare I look to love you

Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2018©