Love Poem: Closed With a Safety Pin

Closed With a Safety Pin

You closed my mouth with a safety pin,
And I spoke to you in the language of the dew drops,
A tale of treachery saw my act as a sin,
Yet, I nurtured an undefiled love for you to grow like crops.

Again, you made my mouth shut,
But I communicated my feelings to you in ocean waves,
And it was amazing and sufficient like a glut,
The last time I checked, you inhumed my efforts in graves.

My mouth remained steeked,
And I spoke to you again in the language of eye contact, 
You forced out a smile at me, frowned and peeked,
I screamed in my sacred language of tears, yet your heart couldn't do a faithful compact.

Today, I'm no where to be found,
Since you have already sold your body to a Casanova for a pound.