Love Poem: Climates of Ballistic Management
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Climates of Ballistic Management

Senator Fuller,
a permaculture designer
turned architect of exterior landscapes
then public sector architect
of EarthShip cooperative interior landscapes,
is with us today
to tell us about why he supports Sanders,
at this point in time,
although he is making no commitments about tomorrow.

Welcome Senator,
always good to share your day.

Well, thanks again for having this sometimes tangential Plan B
back for another swing and plug
for supporting Cooperative Community Economic Development, 
locally, in your own climaxing,
or not-so-much wanna-be climaxing community,
through your own time and money, if you have any,
and most folks who get to be up about my age have some
that we might not need right away,

but also supporting Cooperative CED nationally,
through federal economic 
and political policies,
support using WinWin-transparent policy development procedures
as permaculture design's eco-logical 
health and sustainable-safety standards.

ReGenerative Security Standards 
seem to define themselves 
by first developing an inclusive-co-operative trend 
of positive-nutrient polycultural perpetual slow growth 
gradually merging into economic and political health and sustainability, 
both Interior/Ego and Exterior/Eco Landscapes.

Community Economic Therapy is positively intended OVER negative-distended 
Tipping Point discernment procedures,
which would also be useful for global ecological-climate issue framing
and positive polycultural dialectic landscape discernment
of local thru global health-trends,
and cooperative public resonance-optimization resolution,
with WinWin outcome structural-procedural defaults.

Senator, there might be one or two people in our listening audience
not so much interested in the math and science and binary technology
paradigms of systemic-temporal thought,
perhaps you could say more about
how you got excited about Community Economic Development
as a model for optimizing health and safety outcomes
in the public sector,
or private sector,
whichever way you want to go with that.

Let's see,
perhaps we could walk down Bucky Fuller's creation story
for a bit,
which is more or less my own story too,
with Bucky at birth and side
talking, talking in endless strings of language
that sounded rich and good
but perhaps overly defined and deviantly speciated
to achieve fuller diastatic enculturation outcomes.

Imagine evolution invests positively
in a cooperatively therapeutic journey.
Somewhat restrained if you are polypathing yourself
into an echoing silo,
even if your own Ego emerges
contentedly destined for a PolyCultural (0)Multisystemic DenseHealth Point,
very much like a Janus bright enlightened ecoconsciousness revolutionary
transmillennial tipping point face 
looking back in time to our dense TransParent Cosmological Black Hole.

Ummm. Excuse me, Senator, 
maybe it would be better to veer away from cosmology
or any paradigm that might speak of science or,
much worse,
I have ratings to consider.

Well, evolution is not just about nature and science 
and the physical universe,
or at least I think that's where I was heading,
into Bucky's evolution of his Interior Space
as Plan B-Atman,
holonic of Plan A-TimePrime 
Timeless Eco Relationship.

If evolution is an investment in a cooperative journey
toward a shared destiny of health and safety,
then evolution is about cooperative (0)-centric interest transactional ecotherapeutic economics and politics of conscience,
but also about who and what we eat
and don't eat,
who and what we love
and who and what we are angry about and/or terrified of,
instead of being accessibly CoPresent love 
becoming EarthShip TransParent CoPresent Time. 

Bucky's comprehensive consciousness 
speaks to synergetic purpose of integrative evolution,
to relearn,
as a global DNA-encultured species, 
evolving through positive deviant outlyer polypathic individuals,
we already are the healthiest cooperative economy
of co-gravitational synergetic positive relationships,
permaculturally-potentiated as reiterative bicameral communication strings
of perennial nature/nurture memory cycles,
heading toward ever-more comprehensive predictive power
to harvest positive-nutrient enculturing eco-consciousness
within [concave (-,-) dipolar coarising function] as without [cogravitational thermodynamic balance of Earth's DNA/RNA dark/light down/up fractal syntax for cold/warm neural appositional codex,
speaking the negative trends of angry past and future fear Becoming
surrounding LovePeace Positive Present CoPresent Being.

Oops, there we go again, 
just when I thought we were heading toward
how to restructure our political economy 
to cooperate more nutritiously toward healthy diastasis
and warm Beloved Communities
of heaven on Earth,
I start hearing about iconic frequencies of RNA
and other regenerative issues and concerns
not easily or lightly shared.
Senator, it sounds like your own journey
has been influenced by Taoism
and you read Bucky through that way of
comprehending Time's BiLateral Way.

That's fair;
I certainly do that,
but doesn't everybody?

Doesn't everyone do what, exactly,

Doesn't everyone absorb positive nutrients
to optimize the regenerative pulse of time
incarnating within anthrocentric bicameral
plotting and planning,
designing and developing,
economic and political optimization strategies,
husbandry and parenting,
agricultural scientific research,
eco-parasitic DNA-syntaxed 
as individuated co-arising identity
within Earth as Benign (0)-Centric Host
of Heaven's Divine Bounty
as informed Earth,
as Elational Time,
BiFolding Ballistic Past 
to Ecofold FutureBallast Prime Relationships
of ReGenerative Health and Wealth?

Honestly, Senator, at the moment
I couldn't say
whether anyone has ever done that,
but apparently you have,
and please know we are all
Occupying EcoBodhisattva PolyCultural Warrior Space
with you.

Preciate, Sister Glory.

Elate, Brother Fuller.
