Love Poem: Clang
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Written by: Tony Bush


Bound by all I had, that seemed so much 
So much it formed my universe, my all; 
My all, my everything, my life as such, 
As such when warped, misshapen shadows fall. 
Shadows fall upon my heart and soul, 
And soul denies the passing of the time, 
The time when I was real and rendered whole, 
Rendered whole in thought that we were fine. 
Were fine, until the gradual decree, 
Gradual decree lodged in the head, 
The head that lay in parallel with me, 
With me a fading lover growing dead, 
Growing dead and buried, dust and ash. 
Dust and ash whirled in the winds of change, 
Winds of change eclipsed me in a flash, 
A flash, a whim, to torment and estrange. 
Estrange me from the love we once had sworn, 
Had sworn in ways that so sincerely seemed, 
So sincerely seemed in earnest till the dawn, 
The dawn that bled and spat on all I dreamed.