Love Poem: Charity of Care-Givers

Charity of Care-Givers

Family of caregivers I know
give charity of vicious mercy
when one falls ill under care
is helped to die quickly in joy
on gaining back good  health
caregivers  curse  the ill fate
that aided victim to live again

But the very smart caregivers
pray for long golden lifespan
when illness is creeping on them
or  death is seen wagging its tail
wanting to jump on in action
truck-loads of combat things
are ferried in sooner than later
prayers upon prayers hastily ring
from  lips of the tough caregivers

Scenario of these living souls
puzzles and dazzles my mind
care-giving with icy good heart
to end life quickly is daily game
played by mercy-banner bearers
those lost hearts of the soul-less
the ones who believe earthly life
is a game of merciless charities
where intrigue is virtue, love vice