Love Poem: Capital Punishment Mama Daddy Spank Me

Capital Punishment Mama Daddy Spank Me

Capital punishment
What year is it
I'm being spank with a switch
I am guilty
Mama whooping me
In 1960's
With a switch
a belt
some schools then a 2 by 4 paddle
For what I've done wrong
Lying the stealing
Who am I to call foul
God knows I know ma and pa do to
Even Jesus got whipped 
But the difference 
But the Father's plan
Him and Jesus allowed soldier man
To whip Him take His life
To pay the price
To save all mankind, their life
This sinless MAN CHRIST
Who always done right
Paid the price took the whooping's shed blood for us
Now if you spare the rod
You'll spoil the child
Far better to be spank righteously
No emotions or mali just reprimanding
Spank just as givin better for you to do it
Thank for the world to whip them
You'll make them just shed tears
While the world will draw blood and steal their souls
For what I've done wrong
Lying the stealing
Who am I to call foul
God knows I know ma and pa do to
Capital punishment
What year is it
I'm being spank with a switch
I am guilty
Mama whooping me
Now I'm a man grown up
What happens now when I'm disobedient
The Father spanks me
But His mercies and grace
Gives me another chance
So if I just turn around and change my ways
Capital punishment
What year is it
I'm being spank with a switch
I am guilty mama whooping me
Yes I was guilty so not to change the subject
I dottily dissevered capital punishment

Written by James Edward Lee Sr.2018©