Love Poem: Canines(Prayer of a Troubled Teenager)
Aaron Kibirige Avatar
Written by: Aaron Kibirige

Canines(Prayer of a Troubled Teenager)

Dear God,
I was born to a world of unfairness to the fair.
And am not calling myself fair but at least my good
outweighs the bad that I have done.I woke up and besides
me was a blank space,a space that i have been trying to fill since time immemorial,
the ghost that was left behind had so many faces some of which I didn't even recognize.
Am i being punished for the sins of my forefathers or those that I am yet to commit?Purple 
clouds lay before and behind me so much so that both my past and future are clouded,trying 
to make sense of my immediate actions yet it looks like am running from the very same 
things i find ahead,
I stay among faces that i can barely recognize and see smiles that don't understand,are 
the effects of my solitude starting to kick in or the reward for proclaiming myself a god on  
this wretched earth?In all i pray that you keep my head straight and please do not break the 
york of madness on me but 
keep the star goddess out of my mind and within my sight.