Love Poem: Calculating Costs of Hate Crimes
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Calculating Costs of Hate Crimes

Wherein lies the great dividing moral distinction
between hate crimes of socioeconomic historic proportion
and multicultural perpetuation,
and the more mundane population of defiance crimes
of a more personal nature?

Why is society's right to aggressively imprison unto nutritional neglect,
to kill and maim in just vengeance of angry sociopathic retribution,
politically and economically correct,
yet not these smaller personal issues
of ego-defiance,
LeftBrain exercising WinLose Competitions
for political and/or economic survival-thrival powers?

Which crimes are not self-enslaving,
hating crimes of calculating and emotive passions?
What crimes of aggressive terror
or malignant neglect of healthier options
wears no stink of hate?

Whether conducted as public retribution
or private rebuke of ego-supremacist behaviors,
lacking are self-esteem of WinWin
Both-And justice-option hunting
and gathering together.
Hate breeds further hate,
as love co-arises love.

Revenge is usually counter productive
where hypnotic addictions rooted in
an unholy internal constellation 
of anger+fear=active distrust moving toward paranoid hate-panic
tyrannically pathological nightmares
bleeding back into silos of despair,
aloneness fog of white noise,
timeless absence of healthy hope.

What seems needed are ecotherapeutic self-nutritionists,
lovers and beautifiers of co-empathic trust
co-mentoring mutual invitations into deep ecology of learning
healthy nutritional life options
as compared and contrasted with ego-purgation 
(0)-sum notnot life-giving,
restraints on right-now cooperative abundance.

Who dares continue throwing stones
when we might regenerate love's healthier WinWin Economics instead?

Criminalizing hatred itself
is like trying to fight fire with more fire;
it can work
but is best reserved as last extreme resort response
to wilder sweeping climatic conflagrations,
which would not have occurred
had we compulsory health education about love regeneration
rather than anger management removed from its wiser,
more ecosystemic home.

Perhaps it is fair revenge to imprison sociopathic haters
with other haters,
but who would that leave out,
and what shall we all do within our mutual imprisonment of fear and anger?
Provide Anger Management remediation,
yet not even discuss concomitant absence of love 
as self-optimizing health,
never mention absorbing truths 
of cooperative political and economic therapeutic beauty?

What do we feed our prisoners,
our self as other hating outlaws?
Do we serve up healthy relationships and environments,
or ever more toxic plastic degradations
that will continue to replenish pathological self-hate?

Imprisoning haters,
without repurposing
or even simply inviting to conjoin a more therapeutic life,
discovering potential lovers as co-mentors,
satisfies political lust for vengeance
in exchange for defiance
only if we are content to continue
on their future abuse and neglected generations,
future active distrusters
and criminally addicted self and other haters.

Which of your crimes against nature
are you so sure did not emerge
from co-arising nondual fears and angers?
conjoined to hate self-hating haters,
devolving away from WinWin regenerative exegesis,
plummeting terror-climatic norms of emotional despair
reduced toward pathological LoseLose
political-economic ecology
of not-really-so-much Grace.

Enslaving and imprisoning fractured hostile lives
while throwing away our deep listening key
is like intentionally placing an abused/neglected child
with an exhausted, starving, addicted sexual predator,
hoping they will teach each other further dramatic exploits
in what to never do.