Love Poem: By the Waters Edge
Kelli White Avatar
Written by: Kelli White

By the Waters Edge

I searched for you my humble friend 
On a well worn path where the water spread

Lilies and daisies and sprigs of grasses
Fish and toads florish in masses

You my love my heart my soul 
Breathe into me life and make me whole

I pray for your eternal peace and love
By my side from The God above

For without you love my soul will die
The world will darken and I shall cry

No cure for this no cross to bear
Words From you complete me dear

A strangers pen of ink in verse
Can bring me life or be a curse

Oh what a spell you put on me 
A weakened soul of misery

But words of light you cast my way
Helped me live another day

Words unspoken goodbyes unsaid
Two souls alike the verses read

I will never leave you my Soul of love
Each page is interwoven from above