Love Poem: But She Loved Another

But She Loved Another

It was a massive imposing dark castle,
A stronghold safe from invasions;
Fortified with a deep moat and stone rampart,
     On the  battements guards watched.
     And in the dappled light of the chapel,
     A lone girl with long raven hair wept;
     She had been betrothed since her birth,
                                    But she loved another.
        Her family had come here for refuge,
              And she had spent her life within;
She could hear her mother calling from the keep,
Running through the courtyard her hair was flying;
And in her hurry she ran right into his strong arms,
     And suddenly he was kissing her.

And I kissed her deeply because I had to,
I had to understand the taste of her breath;
All her beautiful words haunt me to this day,
     God's Angel of Mercy singing for me.
     Unlike Odysseus' sirens with evil intent,
     Her words healed my troubled heart;
     Her eyes mended this broken man,
                                 Oh her gracious touch.
        Her relentless desire, it conquered me,
           Never before had she acted this way;
It is as if she had suddenly become possessed,
These castle walls were her complete reality.
And I knew her blood belonged in this fortress,
     Now only her name echoes in my soul.

August 5,  2015

Poetry/Narrative/But She Loved Another
Copyright Protected, ID 15-697-718-0
All Rights Reserved.  
Written under Pseudonym with Eric Brodie 

For the contest, Partner Up, 
sponsor, Shadow Hamilton 

First Place