Love Poem: Broken Family Pilgrimage
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Broken Family Pilgrimage

Broken hearts
neural systems
heal in a profoundly broken,
sometimes revolutionary,

Almost 18 now,
youngest son Yin speaks no domesticated,
marketable language,
only primal syntax of saintly glory,
heroic internal/external story
without distinction between "live" and "love;"
he can only know life/love as co-arising NOW,
inviting his perfect surfing insight,
eco-self thru interdependent-other consciousness
flowing through DNA-engorged neural norms
of autonomic karmic grace
and Presence-Centered beauty,
ZeroCentric YinYin polydextrous
mind-body flow
primally rooted in
"love-as-happy" synaptic
dipolar correlated with
"loss-as-absence" aptic
polypathic faith
in Time's unfolding harmonic/dissonant abundance.

Teacher of Mystic
full-bodied mind-dreams
in sea of child naivete
free of Win-Lose evolutionary revisionism
of his Earth Host's
rainbow revolutionary evolutionary re-membering
of what only human language has exegetically mind-body severed.

Sainted SunSon
with primal gifts
to smile with intelligence of good-reiterative humor
to dance with feet and hands
with skin and ears and bones,
to sing bicameral balance in neural-cranial vibrating septum,
dia-hemispheric vision
voice of all Earth's bicameral livings
and hearts
and legs
and arms
especially stereophonic ears,
echoing eco-resonant deep sound,
co-gravitational nondual voices.

Mystic Son
resounding fractal-octaved memories
of primal forested color seasons
with reasons for Heaven dawning
Golden Rules upon Earth's
bilateral In-Formation,
I is You is Me and preferably We.

ego/eco double-binding
buddha body consciousness
rich in healthy wealth nutrition.

Perfect son.
Perfect co-mentor.
Perfect neighbor and family member,
sometimes rather loud contact renegotiator,
but always right and true,
noble and good and just,
good-humored contentiousness
about our collective cognitive dissonance,
thinking we are healthy and he is not,
as usual,
half-ass backward.

Perfect co-messiah
of regeneratively full life.

Perfect icon
of low anxiety
grows low neural synaptic activity
emerges (0)-centric ego/eco Angel-not-so-manic Syndrome,
silent siloed saints
of cooperative ecoconscious conscience
regenerativity as beauty with good trusting humor.

Excellent zen-guru,
tao transducer,
in our dipolar incubator,
regenerative nest
floating in our multicultural timeless sea
where seasonal syntax
speaks bicameral reality.

Yin-sun knows "family"
only as ballast
toward regenerative kinship
"we cooperatively
eco-culturally are
and ionically share";
without shadow of
ballistic weaponed
"you're not family"
eisegetical creed
deductive reductive dominating
exegetical greed
to cooperatively feed each other
nutrients of healthiest wealth
regenerative open-optimizing
reverse hierarchializing
in-formating full-health function.

Yin-son's family
means you are loved
with dignity and co-respect,
co-investors in Earth's tribal gifts,
and cellular designing intelligence,
octave-harmonic frequency
Midway balancing
between hopeless tumors
and faithful humors.

Our Yin-Sun
who teaches me everything
I need and want to know
to love and care for him
is to learn love and care for self.

Broken hearts
neural systems
heal in a profoundly broken,
sometimes revolutionary,
world turned rightside down
deeply transitional and climatic,
more typically clinically chronically decommodifying
degentrifying, decompositional
yet still-inceptual
wavey wu-wei way.