Love Poem: Breathing By Design
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Breathing By Design

"...making this shift [from ego to Authentic ecoSelf] usually requires inspired [inductive Right to Left +health-reiterative messages] intention and consistent, diligent effort [and a supportive vocational and residential and eco-logically balanced environment.]"

"And the way this is achieved is through using the greatest gift that evolution has given us: the power of [polyculturally healthy or monoculturally pathological] choice [for ourselves as for our potential future regenerators]." Andrew Cohen, "Evolutionary Enlightenment", 2011.

PermaCultural HumanNaturalOnly Choice:
ReGenerative Health/EcoTherapy for all
or degeneration of Earth's bio- and eco-caregiving systems,
including political and eco-not-so-normic deductive-competitive,
enculturation system dominance.
Free Choice to intend and will Exterior Landscape behavior 
confluent or dissonant with 
Interior Landscape 
metaphysical language enculturing ecosystemic iconically
analogical information, 
exegetical rich-resonant normative strings 
of historic WinWin "Yes" polycultural choices of genetics,
DoubleNegative FoldFunction and FlowTrend memory, 
regenerative (RNA/DNA) iconic syntax, 
in either PresentAptic Polycultural tense and ionic-elational distension (concaving), 
or PastAnger SynAptic Predicates FutureFear avoidance,
cognitive-affective personal and cultural dissonance.

FutureFear Choice Corollary: 
Monocultural Lose-Lose decay 
and decompositional preparation 
for composting future natural health/ecotherapy 
co-arising regenerativity of time's incarnation into space; 
reverse-temporal-neural double-dimensioned (bilateral-linear) 
therapy WinWin clockwise self-perpetuating polynomial health-coarising rationality
egoLeftYin/ecoRightYin chronic cognitive-affective stress
of trying to find regenerative health
swimming through a sea of mediated and immediate
dissonance-pathology hell through routine depressing disinvested boredom.

Present CoPresence as DiPolar Bicameral Basic Attendance Corollary:
Positive DiPolar Meets and Greets and WinWin intends
as AngerPast Teaches FutureFear 
how and why and when to co-arise 
(-,-) Double-Negative LoseLose
equals Double-Positive PolyNomial-PolyReGeneration
WinWin as YinYin Balancing DoubleNegative
PositiveYang Politically EcoNormic.InFormating 
SelfOptimizing CoGravitational SpaceAsTime 4D Systems.

The logical conclusion of overpopulating
overly-competitive and aggressive human natural dominant trends,
of suicide and other irrationalities
and errors in self-enculturation
through evolutionary cooperative multisensory sciences and arts and history
and myth and logos-icons of symmetric rhythmic exegetical (0)
CoPresent Soul of ReGenerative
Balanced CoGravitational Time,
deciding to head toward hell of anger and fear anyway,
not taking time to recall these are Angry Prophets of Past Sins,
predicting lack of even hellfire's last flame of Fear's SelfHatred,
awash in self-perpetuating not-not reiterations
of disbicamerolling negentropic chaos.

Then stop
you still empathically elate positive nutrients,
all heading in a more cooperatively polycultural direction
appositional nondual dipolar bilateral-linear
reversed wu wei Tipping Point 
of an endosymbiotically positive-positive CoPresence
ReVolutionary inhale with exhale economics.

If you are still breathing
you have already begun this practice
of absorbing both positive nutrition and toxins,
co-arising collateral negatives, fear and anger,
teaching your oppositional anti-death MidWay WinWin,
while those FearAnger Twins inevitably follow
planned or unplanned
eitherway increasing consistently aggressive Yang ballistic Way,
toward Ego's ever-faster inevitable demise.

Ego without EcoRight CoPresence
always loses playing by Ego's own Win-Lose dominating expectations.
Incarnations die to fuel further regeneratively healthy incarnations.

This ecology of diastatically rational life
predicts continuing BusinessAsUsual,
breathing positive self-dominance
while intentionally absorbing more anger-fear fighting nutrients
than love-peace synchronously-flying empathic menu choices,
and to thereby emerge
ecopathologically even further anthro-centric,
monoculturally fixated, 
hypnotized by our own fear of fear of ego's death,
absorbing further toxins and collateral corporate insult,
self-abuse and other-neglect,
violence and "what's the use?" cognitive-affective dissonance,
addiction to possession and dispossession
of ego's increasingly constipated
anger-fear ruminations,
with negatively unresolved,
unacceptable Loser messages.

WinWin cooperative co-regeneration optimization
would be just the opposite of competitive monocultural supremacy,
ecosystemic political and economic
private and familial 
BusinessAsUsual double-binding negativity.

Our ecological and economic cooperative project
of natural regenerativity
as also spiritual ecoconsciousness 
basking in love of health and timeless co-relational security,
empathically and deeply nondual attends,
sitting within LoseLose competitive decomposition, as therapeutically necessary,
embracing our shared BusinessAsUsual predative/co-messianic
dis-assembling each dominating seasonal stage
of LeftEgo's struggle with RightEco's Present CoPresence 
Love of Harmonic TrustBalance,
CoEmpathic Symmetry
Septum DiPolar Yang/Yin Dynamics of Time as Nutritional Breath.