Love Poem: Braving the Stillness

Braving the Stillness

Radiating waves of thoughts unseen,
the battle gallant rages 
in sub-hematoma nether places
An invisible clash against dark principalities
from the shadow realm,
the stricken valiant breathe
with unconscious, godly certainty

Braving the acute stillness of the existential void,
the journey to elevated triumphant entry
is fraught with Golgotha mob Pilate crash noise

Imperceptibly the spirit moves righteously,
as the stillness quakes
at each new dawn star rising

And the inert, smitten shell of the battle weary frail
falls into deep watery dreams
of the loving hopeful ...
Moving moments of temporal tears shed — 
intimate prayer wishes infinitely cast upwardly well  

Dedicated to my late beloved father, Freddie.