Love Poem: Branches
Diana Bosa Avatar
Written by: Diana Bosa


Lignum vitae

With and within you
I myself begin 
And likewise, end.
Although our seeds are different,
yet we were grown from the same soil.

You are my origin:
By and into you I’m likewise continued.  
My hands are rooted from yours,
even my trunk is delicately proceeded high above by you
and, with your embrace, you make it strong; storm-resistant.
The mystic pattern of our annual growth rings
is already abutted each other. 	
From the depth of your very heart mine is also sprouted: 	
from your trunk my heart-strings; 
my own branches ramify, just to touch yours
bowing and leaning on each other
gently, as lovers do;
entwined and interweaved. 

It is our time to bloom:
our twigs and leaves are likewise born 
as proof of verdure springtime.
And, you'll see, the flowers of the present are going to
transform into the fruits of time to come.
With you my crown becomes complete
and, at last, we are whole now,
we are undivided,		
we are

...Although our seeds are different
yet we were grown from the same soil.
With and within you
I myself begin
And… likewise, end.