Love Poem: Borne By Love
Bill Lindsay Avatar
Written by: Bill Lindsay

Borne By Love

….. I
                                                .  am
                                                .    free
                                                .       to go
                                                .         where
                                                .            breezes
                                                .              take me,
                                                .               free to be
                                                .              at liberty,                                                                      								        .          my spirit 
                                                .       loosed
                                                .             on the waters
                                                .                  to be borne of
                                                .                       the power neath
                                                .                             my strong timber,
                                                .                               take me where’er
                                                .                               you will, until the
                                                .                             air of the mistral
                                                .                         is spent and the
                                                .                      clouds bid me
                                                .                   cease …
                        your unfailing love has borne me aloft
                          but without you by my side, I am
               …………. at the mercy of the depths …………………

         by Bill Lindsay
	 October 14th 2015 
         For the contest, Creative Layouts, sponsor, Broken Wings